Getting Back To The Basics

A place to show the changes in our yard, our garden, our home, and our life.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Gabe and Kaylee visit!

Gabe and Amanda came up for a wedding last weekend and because of that blessed event we got to see them before they ran away back to Vegas. Amanda had to run back more promptly secondary to work but Gabe and Kaylee stayed behind a few days and visited with everyone. One such visits was with us last night.

Kaylee was a trooper. I wanna say she is two years old now? Anyway, she was tired and very cranky when they pulled up but she decided the puppies were hilarious. Sadie likes to slide across the kitchen floor chasing her ball around and Kaylee that that was great.

The boys talked nerd while Kaylee ran around and danced with the puppies. She wasn't too keen on puppy make out sessions so we had to keep that to a minimum. Violet was very disappointed.

Kaylee says "Look! I'm a puppy!" 
upright walking mullet puppy? I dunno...

She was very proud of her ability to go in and out of the puppy crate all by herself.

Anyone who throws the magical blue bouncy ball is a-o-k is Sadie's book


I asked Kaylee to go in the crate with Sadie. Look how obedient she is :)

Posing very nicely for aunty Nichole. 
Kaylee was very distrustful of their tongues.

Don't get those tongues too close to me!

And here is where Kaylee hit her wall. 
After this pic was taken she started crying ;)

Violet was thoroughly disappointed she couldn't smother Kaylee in kisses. Beyond that the girls were as good as I could expect from them. We kept them busy with bones all night!

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