Getting Back To The Basics

A place to show the changes in our yard, our garden, our home, and our life.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

SBTCA Nationals

This weekend was Nationals for the Staffordshire Bull Terrier Club of America. Busy weekend of showing, eating and socializing commenced. I decided to represent the breed in the rally obedience ring. I entered both Sadie and Violet in Rally novice A for Friday and Saturday.

It was nice out but it was hot. I ended up buying some cooling mats and crate fans to keep the girls comfortable. In the show ring it was no better - the dogs were melting in the sun.

This was there set up. A 4 x 4 pen with their crates inside. Used the sheets so Violet couldn't see other dogs walk by and Bethany loaned us a shade thingy to help keep the girls shaded (not pictured but I set them on top of the crates).
But the girls did well! Both days they took 1st and 2nd (out of three) and Q'ed towards their RN title. So in the end they got two legs - and three are needed for the RN (Rally Novice) title.

Saturday Sadie got a score of 81/100. Violet got a score of 79/100. No pictures though because I was by myself.

Sunday Sadie and Violet TIED for 83/100. Sadie came out the winner though because she had the faster time (which is how ties get broken in obedience). The judge laughed when she realized I owned both of the dogs with the tied scores.

It was hard. No food lures allowed. It was hot and ALL the dogs expressed their displeasure with this fact by melting. Some ran off the course entirely to go back to their cool crates. Poor pups.

Violet rockin the sit/stay command. In this particular station. I had to walk all the way around her while she held the sit.

Doing a rightward 360. It took a lot of cheer leading to get my girls to stick with me.

There was a lot of this going on - leash yanking. They did not want to stick with me. You lose a point every time they hit the end of the leash. It happened - oh - I'd guess 17 times ;)

Celebratory make-out session for successfully finishing the course

There was another dog between Violet and Sadie which was great. Allowed me to get everything handled without feeling too rushed.

There was definitely a theme on the field - not wanting to move too fast. 
C'mon, Sadie! TURN!

Sadie rockin' the heel

Sadie was very happy to be done and headed to the shade

And the bounty! There's even more but I haven't taken pics yet. We were awarded a plaque from the SBTCPS for having the staffy with the highest score in rally obedience. Special.

Here they are afterwards. Crashed out cold, totally oblivious to the world.

Not bad for deciding to enter at the last minute. Oh, and I only taught Sadie how to heel maybe a week ago. Awesome.

More pics of the weekend events -

1 comment: said...

Wahoo, to all you lovely ladies!
Hugs amd kisses to Sadie and Vi. A BIG pat on the back to you Nichole.