Getting Back To The Basics

A place to show the changes in our yard, our garden, our home, and our life.

Friday, June 29, 2012

Underwater Photoshoot with Seth Casteel

Yesterday was a very fun and exciting day! I had made arrangements for a photo shoot with Seth Casteel with Little Friends Photo,  who also has a facebook page for those interested.

Seth is well known for his underwater photoshoots that have been getting a lot of publicity lately. I caught wind about a month ago he was coming to the pacific northwest and I pushed myself to the front of the line and managed to line up a photoshoot with him and the girls. I told him about my two girls, about Violet and her special needs regarding other dogs and her reactivity towards them. He picked out a quiet location in Gig Harbor and did his first ever underwater photoshoot using mother nature as a back drop - the Puget Sound.

It's going to be a while before I can post the pics online and share with friends and family. Seth posted one yesterday on his blog and on his facebook page so here's one sneak peak of the final product:
'Creature of the Sound'
(featuring Sadie)

So that picture will just have to tide me over until the rest are ready for viewing.  That and the pictures I took during the photoshoot. The girls had a blast.

Violet seriously rocked the photoshoot. I thought for sure it would be Sadie who'd rock it and Violet was more iffy. Well Violet really did GREAT, swam out like a champ, and dove down DEEP with her eyes wide open looking for that ball. Color me proud!

Violet really had a blast. Seth was really good at getting her out there without any pressure.

Sadie did great but she didn't dive as deep as Violet. The sinking ball perplexed her. She still had fun though :)

Many thanks to the photog as well as Jackie and Danny for coming along and helping out. Couldn't have done it without my helpers! And as always, there's a few more pics than what it shown off here:


The random collection of Umpalomas thoughts said...

I want to seee MORE!!!!!!!! Agh so COOL!!!!!! Vi-bi and Sadie = lub! :D

Amber Buehler said...

Can't wait to see more pics!!!